Enjoy these bonus gifts

(no 'opt-ins' required)

A winter poem

Cassandra, a photographer and writer featured in the Winter issue, is offering this sweet illustrated poem that you can print and display in your home.

A free art lesson

Jenny, an artist featured in the Fall & Christmas issue, is offering a free tutorial on how to paint a watercolour cherry blossom wreath!

P.S. In case this class becomes unavailable, simply visit Jenny on Instagram to see her latest offerings.

A trio of art prints

Joanna, an artist featured in the Winter issue, is offering three of her beautiful art prints to MEADOW readers!

52 Bible verses

Alison, the editor of the magazine and a former illustrator, is offering 52 Bible verse art prints - one for each week of the year. :)

4 colouring pages

Kirstin, an illustrator featured in the Summer issue, is offering a set of cute colouring pages!

Paper dolls

Lastly, Alison is also offering a collection of nostalgia-inspiring paper dolls. ♥

© 2020 by Alison Taylor-Harder (Owner / Editor / Designer of MEADOW Magazine)
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